Tips For Preventing Insect Damage On Stored Fabrics

Home & Garden Blog

Storing your fabric items, whether it's table linens or winter clothing, is a good way to save space and protect these items when they aren't in use. The problem occurs when insects, like clothing moths or carpet beetles, decide these items are an all-you-can-eat buffet. The damage is often extensive since you don't realize these pests have invaded until you decide to retrieve the items from storage. The following tips can help you protect your fabric items during storage.

27 November 2015

3 Tree Diseases That Attack Hickory Trees -- And How To Prevent Further Damage

Home & Garden Blog

Hickory trees are moderate sized trees that are tall rather than wide and full of small green leaves. As a type of walnut tree, hickories also grow nuts that are popular with wildlife. You might enjoy having a hickory tree in your yard to watch birds eat the nuts or to watch the leaves turn colors and shed in the fall. Keep enjoying your view by taking proper care of your hickory tree, which includes learning to identify potential tree diseases and knowing when to call in a tree service company for assistance.

4 November 2015

Living In A Small Home? Free Up Space By Placing These Items In Storage

Home & Garden Blog

Clutter is a common complaint from folks who live in small homes because they have very little space for their possessions. You may already have some items, such as holiday decorations and off-season clothing, in a self-storage facility, but there are several other things that you can keep in a storage unit. Reclaim your home and make the most of a small space by storing the items below at a reputable facility.

1 October 2015

2 Types of Windows to Consider for Your Home

Home & Garden Blog

Replacing the windows throughout your house can be a fantastic opportunity to greatly improve your home in a variety of ways. When picking out new windows, you should consider options that can make your home more comfortable and quiet. More Comfortable One type of window to consider if your goal is to make your house more comfortable is an electrochromic window. This type of window is more high tech than the alternatives in that it is designed to receive an electrical charge.

14 September 2015

Basic Troubleshooting Of Common Air Conditioner Problems


Many air conditioner problems require the aid of a skilled HVAC technician to solve. However, basic troubleshooting can sometimes solve your problems and get your air conditioner running again. Before calling a technician, here are some of the most common problems and the troubleshooting steps to take.  Air Conditioner Keeps Running When the air conditioner runs for extended periods of time without turning off, it can not only have an impact on your energy bills, but also cause wear and tear to your unit.

21 August 2015

Landscaping Watering Tips For Water Efficiency

Home & Garden Blog

If you live in an area that gets dry in the summer or experiences droughts, watering your lawn and landscaped yard might give you second thoughts. Finding the right balance between efficient lawn sprinklers and water conservation is key. Just because you live somewhere dry doesn't mean you need to throw in the towel on lawn upkeep in order to conserve water effectively. Here are three lawn watering tips when it comes to yard upkeep in dry climates.

31 July 2015

Thinking Of Sending Flowers? What Messages Are You Sending Along With Them?


People send flowers to express love, to give comfort, and many times, just because. In the Victorian age, when any interaction between the sexes was highly regulated, certain flowers also delivered hidden messages. Below is a brief explanation of Victorian social etiquette and some of the messages those flowers could express.  Socializing in the Victorian Age Romance, particularly among the upper classes, was not done in private. The all-seeing chaperone was always about to make sure nothing unladylike occurred.

7 July 2015