Fix up Your Old Furniture

Why buy new furniture if you can improve the old furniture? When you invest in good quality furniture, you don’t have to throw it away as soon as the fabric starts to fade. With reupholstering and refinishing, your old furniture can look as good as new. I revitalize my old furniture all the time. If you want to stop thinking of your expensive furniture as disposable and start thinking of it as something that you can periodically improve, you’re on the right track. I started this blog to provide you with tips and tricks for reupholstering, refinishing, and upgrading your old furniture.

Winter Clothing Storage Tips

Home & Garden Blog

Making room in your closets come spring usually means that it's time to put your bulky winter clothing away. If "away" is in a storage unit, then you especially need to make sure everything is stored properly so it is protected from insects and moisture. The following tips will help you store everything safely.

Tip #1: Clean everything first 

Every item you wore over winter needs to be washed or dry cleaned. Soil and perspiration can ruin the clothing during storage, as it can create permanent stains or even weaken the fabric. Salt from perspiration may also attract both rodent and insect pests, which will then chew holes in your clothing. After washing, press any items that require ironing so they don't develop permanent creases in the wrong areas. Also, make sure everything is completely dry before storing.

Tip #2: Use tissue paper

Delicate items made of silk or cashmere, for example, require special storage to make sure they aren't damaged. Remove them promptly from their dry cleaning bags, as these can trap moisture right against the fabric. Instead, fold them carefully and then wrap each item in tissue paper. This will protect the items from snags or dye transfer. There are also special cloth storage bags you can purchase that are meant to use with delicate items.

Tip #3: Invest in plastic bins

Plastic bins are a must for winter clothing, especially if you have wool or natural fibers that can attract pests like clothing moths. Stack items in the bin, placing a layer of tissue paper between each piece of clothing. Don't overfill the tub -- make sure the clothing is packed loosely so air can circulate. Then, toss in a sachet of silica gel crystals on top to absorb any moisture that may be in the bin. Finally, make sure the lid is tightly sealed to ensure no moisture gets in.

Tip #4: Stuff your shoes

Winter boots and shoes also need cleaned before storage. Even more important, invest in boot trees or stuff the shoes with tissue paper to maintain their shape during storage. Paper works well because it also absorbs any moisture or lingering odors in the boots. Like your other clothing, winter shoes are best stored in plastic bins to protect against moisture and pests. Use a separate bin, though, as you don't want to shove boots in with your clothing.

For more help, talk to a storage facility manager in your area.


30 November 2016